
Fall 2022 September Session II Available for Viewing

You may now view Employer Registrations for the Fall 2022 September Session II.  Bidding for Fall 2021 September Session II opens August 15 and runs through Monday, August 22, 2022.  Interviews for Session II will be held September 14-23, 2022. Click for more details.

Some employers have elected to conduct all OCI interviews virtually. When you are reviewing employers, you will be able to differentiate between those employers coming in person versus those who have elected to conduct virtual interviews by paying attention to the “Interviewing Location” section on the REVIEW information. If the listing states “Career Center,” the employer will conduct in person interviews. If the listing states “Virtual Interview,” the employer will conduct video teleconference interviews on the date indicated.


Login to Texas Tech Law School Symplicity to view the OCI opportunities that are applicable to your graduation year, preferred geographic locations or practice areas. Please have ready your professional legal resume, cover letter, current academic transcript, writing sample, and list of references. You must have uploaded a resume to your Symplicity account to view and bid for employers. You may contact Paula Smith or Kayla Wimberley for assistance with your materials. Guidance handouts are also available on the Career & Professional Development Center page of the Texas Tech Law website, in your Career & Professional Development Blackboard Course and on the Resources tab in Symplicity.

To apply:


1. Login to Texas Tech Law School Symplicity.

2. Click on the [OCI] tab on the navigation bar.

3. Filter the session list by selecting [Fall 2022 September Session II: September 14-23, 2022] from the [Session] drop-down menu. The resulting list of employers contains only those that have requested your class year.

4. Click "Review" for each employer. You will be redirected to a page that explains information about the position and what materials you will need to prepare for your application.

5. Under "Bid Details" on the right-hand side of the webpage, select the documents you wish to include in your application.
    a. You must have already uploaded these documents under the "My Documents" tab.

b. Each cover letter should be customized and addressed to specific employers. When you place your bid for employers you will then select which cover letter you want that employer to receive. A maximum of 25 cover letters at one time can be saved on Symplicity. You may delete each cover letter after each application.

6. Click "Apply."

Contact Paula Smith (, Kayla Wimberley ( or Connie Bowers ( or come by the Career and Professional Development Center with any questions about the application process or your application materials.


Make the most of OCI opportunities by submitting exceptional resumes and cover letters. Review the Resumes and Cover Letters handouts (under the resources tab in your Symplicity account, and in your Blackboard course) and webinars on MyTechLaw MediaServices. Then create drafts of your documents. Please utilize your Career & Professional Development Center team to review and improve your resume and cover letter prior to applying. Send your documents for review well in advance of the OCI deadlines.


Many employers request a law school transcript as part of your application. To obtain an electronic version of your transcript fill out the transcript request form here: Please include your R Number in your request. DO NOT USE THE MyTechLaw VERSION FOR JOB APPLICATIONS. Transcript requests must be made no later than August 15 to ensure you receive it in time to submit applications. This is a hard deadline from the Registrar’s Office. Request your official transcript now.


One thing that stands out to employers is whether the candidate is prepared for the interview. Employers expect you to know about their organization, their practice areas, and be able to ask informed questions of your interviewers. Review our handout on Pre-Interview Employer Research (under the resources tab in your Symplicity account and in your Blackboard course).  In addition to firm websites, you can obtain a wealth of information about a firm and its attorneys from LexisNexis, Westlaw, and Bloomberg. For a quick tutorial on preparing for your interviews, watch "Be Well-Prepared for Your Legal Job Interview" by LexisNexis here:


Presenting a professional appearance is key in any job interview. We have uploaded one of the best guides on the web to MediaServices here: It is only 3 minutes long, but is helpful in dressing for success in your interviews.

FAQs for OCI:

1.  Is there an advantage to submitting my application on the first day of bidding versus the last day of bidding? No. There is no preference given to students who submit applications with employers tomorrow, as opposed to the last day to submit bids. Employers will receive all student applications when bidding has ended.

2.  Is there a limit on how many applications I can submit during OCI? No, there is no limit to how many applications you can submit through OCI.

3.  I am running out of room for documents, what do I do? Once you submit a cover letter to an employer, you can delete that document under the "My Documents" tab to make room for others. Your application submitted to the employer will remain intact. This way, you can (and should) have a different cover letter for each employer without running out of space.

Kayla Wimberley


School of Law
